CBA体测标准真的很高吗 折返跑满分线才和NBA及格线差不多_cba直播免费观看直播


2024-2025 CBA preseason is set to kick off in multiple regions on September 20th. According to the guidelines released by the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), players must pass the technical and physical tests in order to qualify for the preseason and regular season matches. In addition to the centralized tests that took place on September 17th, there will be two more opportunities for players to retake the tests before the preseason and after the 5th round of regular season matches. On September 19th, players like Ren Junfei and He Xining were able to pass the test. However, for those who didn't make the cut, time is running out as they only have one more chance to qualify for the new CBA season.

Compared to previous seasons, the overall difficulty and strictness of the CBA tests are on par with the 2013 standards, but with fewer opportunities for retests, making it the toughest CBA test ever. The "killer 17 trips" have been a notorious benchmark for CBA players, causing much agony among them. The question of whether the CBA tests are too strict has been a subject of debate, but many mature overseas clubs have similar shuttle run assessments. Take the NBA team Miami Heat, for example, the "killer 17 trips" in the CBA tests are basically the passing line for them.

Looking back, the CBA tests have a long history. As early as 1995, the tests included a 3200m run and shuttle run. This year's tests have caused a stir mainly due to the fact that all players, except for three, had to take the tests. From 1995 to 2004, the CBA tests consisted of only the 3200m run and shuttle run. The tests were discontinued from 2005 to 2010 and then resumed in 2011 with an increase to 10 items, known as the "decathlon". However, only the shuttle run was a mandatory item, and each team had one exemption. In 2013, the CBA tests raised the bar with comprehensive tests for all players, including a 2-minute shooting drill, weighted squats, bench press, and the shuttle run. Compared to this season, the 2013 tests had more retest opportunities, with at least three chances to retake the tests. From 2014 to 2016, the tests were technically still comprehensive, but exemptions gradually increased, allowing national team members above the age of 36 to be exempted. In 2017 to 2019, the difficulty of the tests was significantly reduced, switching to random sampling with only two players from each team being tested, while still keeping exemptions for veterans and national team members.

From 2020 to 2023, the tests switched back to comprehensive for all players, but the number of items decreased to two: a 2-minute shooting drill and the shuttle run. Exemptions were further expanded to include national team players and veterans above the age of 30, with each team having one exemption. This season, only Zhang Ning, Zhao Jiaren, and Lu Wenbo, who participated in the 3x3 basketball event at the Paris Olympics, were exempted. The tests are back to four items, and the scoring criteria are the same as in past years (2013-2019), with only one opportunity for retesting before the preseason and after the 5th round of regular season matches.

The shuttle run has always been a benchmark in the CBA tests, regardless of whether they were comprehensive or random sampling, and regardless of the changes in exemption criteria.

According to the guidelines for the "killer 17 trips," players must complete 17 shuttle runs between the sidelines of a basketball court (15m) in 4 sets, with a 2-minute rest between sets. The average time from the 4 sets determines the score, with a perfect score of 150 and a passing score of 90. Depending on the player's height, the passing requirements vary. For players 1.94m and below, the perfect score is 59 seconds, and passing is 62 seconds. For players between 1.95m and 2.04m, the perfect score is 61 seconds, and passing is 64 seconds. For players 2.05m and above, the perfect score is 63 seconds, and passing is 66 seconds. In addition, there are relaxed passing requirements for players over 2.09m tall, weighing over 120kg, and players above 30 years old. In November 2020, the CBA league released the overall data of that year's tests, with 62 out of 297 participants achieving a perfect score in the "killer 17 trips," accounting for 20.9%.

According to reports, the Miami Heat also has a similar shuttle run assessment at the beginning of each NBA season during their training camp. They treat all players equally, dividing them into big men and others, regardless of age or weight. Only those who pass the test are allowed to participate in training and games. Big men have to complete the shuttle run in 62 seconds, while others have to do it in 60 seconds. From the "Big Three" era of James, Wade, and Bosh to recent years with their star player Butler and even the retired Haslem at the age of 43, no one can escape the Miami Heat's preseason tests.

The CBA's "killer 17 trips" runs from baseline to baseline on a basketball court, covering a distance of 15m per trip for a total of 17 trips and 255m in 4 sets, with a 2-minute rest between sets. The Miami Heat's shuttle run runs from baseline to baseline on an NBA court, covering a distance of approximately 28.65m per trip for a total of 10 trips and 286.5m in 5 sets, with the same 2-minute rest between sets. Although the "killer 17 trips" require more shuttle runs, the total distance and number of sets in the Miami Heat's test are longer.

